Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Allocation of roles- Adam

 As a whole our group will be responsible for each stage however certain people will be given more responsibility for instance to make sure everything is going on track. As we haven't got a huge film crew it is vital everyone takes an active role and contributes to every action so we know that it is the right action to do.

We have decided that Jacob will be the main actor within our film but this will not be his only role. He is going to take on a role in filming and when it comes to it, a large role in editing.  Jacob will play Scott alongside our friend Julia who will play Laura.

Will be a producer primarily as she is keeping the filming organized. She will also be helping me direct and the group editing also.

Jamie will be directing, organizing with Eve and editing also. Jamie has been helpful with sound so I believe we can use him well in making music for our piece. I believe Jamie could also fulfill the role of being a production designer also.

I will be taking mainly a directing role in filming and I am also hoping to get involved with the editing process as everyone else will be. 

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