We have decided to go with a second idea that was put together last week, after all contributing to the spider diagram and note taking process when first thinking up the idea we have no worked out a suitable and what we hope to be successful short film. After again asking parents, friends, other media students and teachers we have come up with a list of pros and cons they have given us to make sure we can work on to improve before the mistakes are made:
Pro's of the new idea
- If filmed and completed well, many thought the film sounded witty and entertaining
- Many really liked the idea of having him doing a video blog
- By having the shots of him during his real life it will emphasise the fact of loneliness and the audience will sympathise with him, getting them more involved with the film
- Not having so many characters will be less confusing
- The film will be fairly easy to film therefore, it will hopefully have a good outcome as a successful short film and piece of Media A2 coursework
Con's of the new idea
- Getting the main actor to look genuinely sad/happy at the appropriate times will be hard therefore, the group must work hard to find a suitable actor
- Using a correct webcam that will allow us to capture the detail and successful footage we need for our film
Well done keep it simple though I am a bit concerned this could get a bit out of hand