In this poster we can see two young adults both dressed alternative this tells the public that the film is aimed at a younger audience and that the content of the film is one that can be linkled to young adults. The colours used in the background suggest to us the image of children or those who are younger due to the vibrance of the orange and the contrast to the white. The clothes that the characters are wearing also add to the ongoing effect that they are young teens, it is taken from the fact that the pregnant female is wearing a bright orange and white top which stands out next to the males sport clothes in which his character looks uncomfy and unfamilier with. Both characters have completely different facial expressions which contrast each other, the male character looks lost and confused, he is staring down from the camera point with a quizical look on his face. The female character looks directly at the camera and has a very serious look on her face as if she is in control and knows what to do. The other image on the poster is a very small one of silouettes of eight people running in the same direction at the bottom right of the poster. This may have a specific link to teh story and can be very easily linked to the fact that the male is in a running outfit.The type on this poster is very varied and uses a few different fonts, for example the main title is in a child-like bubble writing and stands out against the orange and white background. This style of type suggests a child like effect to the movie and can suggest alot with the image of the pregnant girl. The other type is a simple bold font but is topped off with quotation marks that are in teh same style as the main title. The text at the top of the page is linked into the colour code of the background and almost blends into the striped background.

This poster of Brighton Rock produces an effect of three adults in a very serious manner who look as if they are going towards or away from something that has dirastically effected their lives. The clothes that the are wearing suggest that they are from the 70's and the image of the pier tells us that they are in brighton (as well as the obvious title for the location). The image is a very dark image which portrays that the area they live in as being a bad place and that something has happened to set this mood over the poster. The male character in the poster is looking directly at the camera with a sense of purpose which makes the audience feel like he has alot of power in this film and could potentially be the main character for this thriller film. The woman on the right of the picture is staring at the woman on the left side of the male character with a look of anger or distress, it is as if she has a hatred for the second woman. This can also be linked to the story as it builds an image in the audiences minds about the characters and how they could possibly be in a moment of rage. The type in this poster is very bold and stands out from the darker background becasue of white used, it is a simple font which is also used for the smaller writing on the poster such as the reviews and names of the key actors in the film. The writing in this poster is moulding around the image of the three main characters and is making the most of the blank space in the sky which is created by the storm clounds in the sky.
This poster of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is very different to how normal film posters are created. The poster doesn't have a studio block or any names of the actors in the film. It has very limited text which draws attention to centre of the poster and to the image of the man in the middle. The font used for the title is particularly good because it links into the image of the boy playing guitar and bends over the top of him. This poster has great composition due to the placment of the character and shadow, there is also a sense of simplicity in using only one logo and one box for age rating. The high key lighting on the male character has brought out the colour of his clothes and helps to show the high contrast of his clothes in comparison to the red in the background. By looking at the clothes that the boy is wearing you can tell that he is a young adult who is "normal" but obviously a band member. The way in which he is leaning forward with his guitar portrays that he plays his guitar with intensity and is clearly a big part of his life if it is used as the main point for the poster.
This Robin Hood poster from 2010 uses the blank space created by the arm and bow to place its text. They have used the blank space created by the arm to put the title and studio block in. The image used is key to the poster, the trees in the background suggest an english forest and this mixed with the bow and arrow which is almost being pointed at the camera. The male characters face being in the centre of the poster draws attention to the blood that is dripping down the left side of his face, this will cause the audience to look at his face first and then start to think about how the character could have got these wounds, this makes the poster interesting because of how it starts to draw the audience to the narritive with out any video footage. The font used for the title of the film looks like a plain text with only the "R" looking particularly curved and in keeping with the time the film is set in. The rest of the text is simple and the only difference is that the text in the top left of the poster is used to show the audience that the director is known for another successful film.
A good start Jacob, ensure at least four are posted by you for research. Try using more detailed media language and consider terms such as representation audience genre and narrative. Look back at your class notes and try to be as analytical as you can