Thursday 17 March 2011

Filming update - Eve

During the last few weeks we have collected the last few rushes/clips that we needed to complete the final coursework piece for this year. Some of our shots have worked out really well and as a group I think we have all worked really well together to produce the piece of coursework. 
We are currently in the editing suite looking through our footage, clipping and editing out bits that we did not think worked so well. The process is slower than we would like however; we hope to get the editing complete soon and to a good standard.
We are trying to split into groups to get various aspects of the work done for example, Jacob and Adam are focusing on editing, Jamie is looking at the poster ideas and I am looking at the blog to see where positive changes that need to be made that will enable us to up our grades for the coursework.
We have all been looking into poster ideas and with Jamie's help we have been looking at various different still images and different shots that we have used during the filming that we captured and working out how we can use them effectively and use them to create a successful poster that will appeal to our target audience.  

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